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Senin, 18 Juli 2016

Golek Menak Dance

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Golek Menak Dance

Find a Menak dance is one of the classical dance Yogyakarta style created by lane IX. Find a dance creation Menak originated from the idea of ​​the sultan after witnessing Menak Marionette Puppet performances are staged by a puppeteer from Kedu area in 1941. Beksa also called Marionette Menak, or Beksan Menak. Marionette puppets dance implies Menak.

Because the Puppet People loved the culture of Sri Sultan is planning to make a show that displays the puppet dance. To implement the idea in 1941 Sultan summoned the dance experts led by KRT Purbaningrat, assisted by K.R.T. Brongtodiningrat, Prince Suryobrongto, K.R.T. Madukusumo, K.R.T. Wiradipraja, KRTMertodipuro, RW Hendramardawa, RB and RW Kuswaraga Larassumbaga.
Creation and rehearsal process to implement the idea takes a long time. Inaugural show held at the Palace in 1943 to commemorate the birthday of the sultan. The shape is still not perfect, because fashion is still in the form of rehearsal. The first results of the sultan's creation is capable of displaying three character types, namely:
Type the characters Sudarawerti daughter to the Goddess and Goddess Sirtupelaeli,
Type the characters son Raden fine for Maktal,
Type the characters dashing to King Dirgamaruta
Three types of characters are displayed in the form of two beksan, the war between Dewi Dewi Sirtupelaeli Sudarawerti fight, and the fight between King Dirgamaruta against Raden Maktal.
Through meetings, dialogue and gatherings between artists and the sultan with the artist, then the sultan Hamengku Buwana IX form a team falsifies Marionette Menak Yogyakarta style dance. The team consists of six institutions, namely: Siswo Among Beksa, Bagong Kussudiardja Dance Training Center, School Karawitan Indonesia (ISMS), Mardawa Culture, Society and Surya Kencana Indonesian Arts Institute (ISI).
These six institutions after declaring its ability to enhance Find a dance Menak (June 1, 1988), then held workshops in each of the institution, by displaying the results of his cultivated. Fell on the first turn Beksa Among students on July 2, 1988.
Workshop organized by siwa Among Beksa RM Dinusatama leadership begins with performances of the play kelaswara fragments, with display 12 character types, namely:
Alus impur (figure Maktal, Ruslan and Jayakusuma),
Alus impur (figure Jayengrana),
Flow loop be all white (Perganji),
Perky prop be all white (Kewusnendar, Tamtanus, Kelangjajali, Nursewan and Elephant Biher),
Perky kambeng (Lamdahur),
Perky Bapang (figure Umarmaya),
Perky Bapang (Umarmadi and Bestak),
Raseksa (Jamum),
Puteri (Adaninggar a Princess of China),
Puteri impur (Sudarawerti and Sirtupelaeli),
Puteri be all white (Ambarsirat, Tasik Wulan lungit Manik, and class wara),
Raseksi (mardawa and Mardawi).
Language is the language used in dialogue bagongan. Clothing worn by the dancers refer to Menak Wooden Marionette Puppet clothing, all figures dressed in long sleeves, while adopting the ways berkain rampekan, kampuhan, cincingan, and seredan adjusted figures presented.
Falls on the second turn of dance training center held in Padepokan Kussudiardja Bagong Bagong Art Kusssudiardja own. Dance forms shown a new claim which is sourced from Menak Puppet, by using a variety of dance I have ever learned from his brother, which Kuswaji Kawindrasusanta (a Marionette Menak props during the process of dance creation by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwana IX).
Some types of characters are shown between alain: whole princess, daughter of China, dashing Bapang to figure Umarmaya, dashing figure Umarmadi to be all white. Besides, it also displayed a claim be very special group of dashing type of dance called Furniture Village, with the piece-the piece is worked as necessary as the accompanying dance moves.
Falls on the third turn of Secondary School Karawitan Indonesia Yogyakarta, led by Sunartama and held on July 30, 1988 ISMS focuses on the cultivation of a variety of motion which is the basis of the principal types of Marionette Menak character and attention to the piece-the piece that accompanies the dance so that the appearance of the character types could be stronger. Presentation of S.M.K.I. displays the type of character with 14 range of motion in the form demonstration, without the use of drama, fashion, makeup, antawecana, swerta Kandha uncultivated.
Falls on the fourth turn Mardawa Culture that organizes workshop on August 9, 1988 led by Raden Wedana Sasmita Mardawa. Mardawa Culture featuring a brief but dense fragments with the play Kelaswara Palakrama. In his appearance Mardawa Culture featuring 14 types of character.
Surya Kencana fifth turn is head Raden Mas Ywanjana, which organized a workshop on August 15, 1988. Surya Kencana choose the form of demonstrations and menampilakan 16 character types, as well as attempt to incorporate motion pencak silat style fireworks and West Sumatra sense motion tailored to Java.
Sixth or last turn fell on the Indonesian Art Institute Yogyakarta, which organized a workshop on August 22, 1988. Workshop at the Faculty of Arts North Campus, led by Bambang Prahendra Pujaswara, with display 15 types of characters in the demonstration. Demonstration of character types and then followed with the appearance of a short fragment with lakok Geger Mukadam plucked from Fiber Rengganis.
The tenants of dance ISI focuses on arable motion, dance accompaniment, fashion, makeup and antawecana. Flower arts movement of western Sumatra have also been included, not just on the battle scene alone, but also on a wide-range of motion. Language used to antawecana or dialogue is Javanese wayang.
At its meeting on 16 September 1988 she Pavilion Special Region of Yogyakarta, Sultan expressed his happiness, that six dance institutions in the province has responded well sultan request. Because the results of the new workshop merupkan preliminary results of the refinement process Menak Marionette dance, sultan hoped that the segment was followed by a second work plan, which in March 1989.
But before the sultan had witnessed the second work of Puppet Dance Menak Improvement Team which will fall in March 1989, the sultan died in the United States on October 3, 1988. A few weeks later all Team members agreed to continue perfecting dance Marionette Menak, though the sultan was dead. Then the results show improvement Marionette dance Menak dated March 17, 1989 was shown a demonstration Menak Marionette Puppet and Marionette Menak dramatari fragments with the same story, namely kelaswara palakrama or marriage between kelaswara the Supreme Jayengrana Wong.
Find a dance team Menak improvement work in accordance with the instructions-petujuk sultan. But because of the design as desired fashion sultan demanded a large fee, then the fashion for fashion shows are still using the existing as well as with additional modifications as necessary.

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